G.O.A.T. |
Do you remember the MJ commercial where he talks about all his failures and how many game winners he missed? I do and I loved him for it. Jordan was hands down the best to play the game so far and maybe ever. Yes, Bill Russell has 11 championships and was the most dominant player of his era, but Mike dominated then took two years off and came back and dominated again. We all know the great games he had, 55 points at the Garden, 35 point Flu Game in the playoffs against the Jazz, 63 points against the Celtics in a playoff loss. I could go on for days about how good this man was but the focus today is how clutch he was and how he has paved the way for clutch stars like Kobe, Durant, Melo, Roy, Peirce, Ginobli, and Rose. jsut to name a few. Not so much for Mr. James as we all have been WITNESSES to over the last few weeks. The fact that MJ was never scared to take the last shot and wanted the ball in clutch moments is what help his legacy. He knew that he could put the team on his back whether they succeeded of failed. To have that type of pedigree and drive takes pride,character and heart.
Kobe doing Work! |
Drive is just one of many traits needed to be a great player in the NBA and a key trait to be a clutch player in the NBA. When MJ took the court teams feared him in clutch moments and his teammates encouraged him doing these moments. This is evident in Kobe's game today. The Lakers in "Money" time, as I like to call it, or clutch time as it's commonly known as, look to go to Kobe and know he wants and is willing to take those shots. Now like MJ Kobe has missed more than his share of game winners or clutch shots but the drive is there and the will is there. We see the same thing in other players in the league that are younger then Kobe. I like to call them them the New age Ballers. Kevin Durant of the Thunder has proven to be a prolific scorer and maybe he will be the all-time leading scorer in this leagues history when it is all said and done for him. He doesn't shy away from the challenge and will shoot from anywhere on the court. The new Chi-Town star Derrick Rose is taken his new role as leader and embracing it to the point where he is a clear cut favorite as league MVP. And we all know what Melo' can do and will soon do in NY. I would even throw Brandon Roy of the Blazers in there because when healthy he was not only an All Star but a clutch and big shot performer. Unfortunately not all our NBA superstars can carry the the Michael Jordan Clutch Torch!
El Cold! |
What ever happen to the former Finals MVP D-Wade? He drop the nickname Flash and has become an innocent bystander to what has become a crime scene in south Beach. I remember when the Heat had just Wade as the only prime time player and was exciting to watch and won close games because he would take over the game. I remember when he would hit a clutch shot or dunk on somebody and yell at the Miami crowd, "This is My House". Who's house is it now Mr. Wade? I can't believe one of the games best players is not only taking a backseat to a kid who looks 40 but is really 25 years old but is also excepting the role as Robin and not Batman. OK you are a great teammate and you guys are brothers, "yada yada yada" that's all BS and I'll tell you why. This man is not only having to force his way on the court he is not even getting plays called his way anymore. To me that is a straight slap in the face to the man who brought that city a title. Mr. James might be the Marquee but what has he done in this league to deserved all the praise. I mean Steve Nash won two league MVP trophies and to me that doesn't warrant a, put the team on his back nod. I just think D-Wade or Flash as I like to call him should start stepping up and becoming the leader and play maker we all know and take over this ship because come playoff time they will sink fast.
Words fit Perfect |
Mr. James, Mr. James, you have said numerous times, "I do not want the pressure of having to go out and score 30 a night", ummm your second or third in the league in scoring, you also said, "I don't have to take over games just to keep my team in it to win", If I'm not mistaken the offense is ran through you. You have recently stated that you will not continue to fail your teammates anymore. I have a suggestion, PASS THE DAMN BALL!!! All the things you said, on why you left the Cavs, you are doing in Miami, so I'm really confused on what you are trying to achieve in this League. You was a two time league MVP, had back to back season with the NBA's best record, and you contended for a Championship once. All of which was in Cleveland. So, you come to the Heat with Wade and Bosh and hope the Three Horseman effect will dominate the league and win 8 RINGS as you put it. Your team is 3rd in the east right now and have not beaten a top 5 team outside of the Lakers on XMAS who usually lose on XMAS anyway, not really a go and get them game for the Lakers in December I'm sure. Prove to your teammates that you are not full of yourself and go do what you did in Cleveland but use the best player on your team, Mr. D-Wade and also stop being a bunch of cry babies. After every loss you guys are barking at the media because they are grilling you. So, What this is what you asked for. a man defines his own legacy by what he stands for and what he has accomplished in his profession and yours is blank right now Mr. James because I'm not sure you can be that man to put it all on your back. I could be wrong though. Believe me I'm no expert.
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