Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Judge n Jury

Is it me or does the strong arm of the law forget to use its PEDs (performance enhancing drug) sometimes? Its crazy that we live in a country that has arguably the best justice system by far, but for whatever reason our laws apparently are different when it comes to our pro athletes. Not different in where they are never innocent till proven guilty but different in that some are treated with a slap on the wrist and some a slap in their face.

The phrase says if you do the crime you pay the time but what if the time doesn't match the crime? We all know Michael Vick formally of the Atlanta falcons now with the Philadelphia Eagles serve almost two years in a federal prison for bank rolling a dog fighting "operation". Plaxico Burress former New York Giant is going to prison Sept. 22nd to begin serving a two year term for criminal possession of a weapon. He shot himself in the leg while walking up stairs in a night club..somehow haha. Dante Stallworth of the Cleveland Browns pleaded guilty to DUI MANSLAUGHTER!!!!! this past june and served 24 of a 30 day jail sentence, lost his driving privileges, two year house arrest, and 8 years probation. Can somebody tell me what incident has more legal reprimands because I don't understand the legal process sometimes.

No of these guys made good decisions but Vick fought dogs and had cruel behavior towards them. Plax had a weapon on him for protection other than a bodyguard. Stallworth was high and legally drunk and killed a human being and only served 24 days in jail. Either Vick and Burress need better lawyers or there is something seriously wrong with our justice system. As a nation we pride ourselves on being the best at everything but what happens when we seriously mess up like this?

Sad thing is people want to crucify Vick for playing again and the Eagles for allowing him to but nobody nor the media wants to speak about the unfair situation here. It has to get better or next thing you know baseball players will start pressing charges on each other during bench clearing brawls. Far from happening but close enough to happen.

Keep God First
Mike McClendon

1 comment:

  1. The whole Vick thing has gone too far. No doubt about it, America is dog country. I mean the ANIMALS are considered man's best friend.

    Now let's get real, before this whole Michael Vick issue, Pitbulls were not considered man's best friend. They are the minorities and woman of the dogs. Treated with lesser value and given less rights for so long. They were considered cruel and malicious animals that are outlawed in many communities. They are vicious animals by nature but no different than a kid who grows knowing nothing better than violence or crime to survive. America treats that human being, minorities, and woman, the same as they do those pitbulls, until... they can use the underlying issue to benefit mainstream America or tear down someone who they have sought after for so long. Mike Vick was never truly accepted by the media or society. Regardless of his uncanny athletic ability and skill in one of the toughest positions in sports, he has never been mentioned in the same breath as many of the best quarterbacks in the league although he affects the oppositions game plan just as much if not more than Peyton Manning or Tom Brady with lesser parts.

    But, In America we do no harm to animals for pleasure or sport, I thought from hearing all the reports then I thought about my man Barbaro.

    Why didn't Barbaro's trainer go to jail for 2 years or lose his multi-million dollar contract after Barbaro had to be put down(killed). But "they say" the horse is born to race, I say the pitbull was born to fight. "They say" the horse would have been in so much pain after racing and having those injuries, that they are putting it out of it's misery, I say "How much pain do you think a dog is in after it fights. Then when you get them real mad, "they say" it's his horse and he can do with it what he pleases" and you know what I say about that!

    Is it a racial issue? I think it's a money issue? Horses raise too much money for network television and mainstream society. Mike Vick was doing what most minorities do when they make some money, looking out for his own first. The only people that care for him when everyone else is tearing him down.

    I think people who give thousands and millions of Dollars to PETA should go visit the local woman's shelter or any homeless shelter and try to help someone who may help someone else in the future or with a little help could get a job and help our economy.

    Not Condoning what happened, Just Some things to think about!
