Past Meets Future |
Is this really what the NBA is about now, letting superstar call the shots and effect the lives of many other players around the league? Carmelo Anthony's trade involved 12 different players and was the trigger to the craziest NBA trade deadline day in the history of the league. What ever happen to wanting to be great and leading your team to a championship? I will tell you what happen, these 80's babies is what happen. They don't make them like they use to, MJ, AI, Reggie, Kobe, I can go on for ever. These guys were the staple of the NBA and wanted to beat each other like it was their job, oh that's right it was their job. The NBA now is made up of all these young guys that want to liked by their peers more than they want to be feared.
The 3 Diego's!! |
"LeBrick" James aka Lebron James, started this I want out and I want to play ball with my friends bull!@#$. He bullied his way out of Cleveland, no, he actually just walked out of Cleveland, to go to South Beach and play with his boy D-Wade and the Heat. That started this trend in the league that you have to have two or more superstars on a team to win a championship. Now I agree no one man has one alone but usually it is a great post presence and perimeter presence, not two superstars at the perimeter. Now every prime time player under the age of 30 wants to leave their respective team to team up with another big name superstar to win win a title. That to me is the cowards way to the top, and shows the lack of heart and drive from these 80's babies. My message to those guys is get your diapers changed and grow some balls, stop running from what your job is and that's to go out every night and play against the worlds best, not team up with the best. Cowards!!
I agree for the most part, but I think of it like this... NBA is becoming a professional version of street ball. They're playing (or choosing to) with their boys. They want to run the court for that day. Would you pass up Haz and Jeff for some random ass players that may have gotten you through the first game? Players like Jordan and Bird were far and few between back in the day. Now look at the league.